Great Idea Thursday: Embroider an Old Tee

Another gift for my little bro. I stitched this back in October and have been DYING to share it:

This was an old t-shirt, given to me by my dad back when Nissan came out with the Z. It’s one of two Nissan Z tees that I had, and I prefer wearing the other one.

But after I took up embroidery, I thought, “well, I can make this tee better.” So I took the natural lines in the black and white photo – highlighting the Z, the lines in the road, and the “light lines” behind the Z. I’m so proud of this one.

Highlighting the Z

Since I didn’t have a sewing machine at the time (and still need to learn to use mine), my mom helped by sewing it into a pillow. I then stuffed it up.

I think my brother likes it. I know his dog does.

5 responses to this post.

  1. […] Emily of On Awesome Avenue added embroidery to a favorite (but unworn) graphic t-shirt, then made it into a snuggly pillow. Find out more from her blog post. […]


  2. this is great. Love the pillow.


  3. That looks SO cool! Your brother’s doggy appreciates fine needlework, too, lol.

    Could you please share your favorite piece on my website?
    I’d be happy to exchange a link back to your blog.


  4. I just saw your pillow somewhere (Feeling Stitchy?) but didn’t know it was yours at the time. I think that’s really neat.


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